Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I wish someone had told me that life would be simple and easy but didn't know til I hit high school and then that's when I realize life was really serious and its so crazy because even when you enter 9th grade you don't think its that's serious but you hit junior and senior year and then it hits you that all these big colleges are only accepting the best and you have to have all of this and that ugh wish I would have known way earlier I mean I'm doing okay now but its like looking back to tell the truth I could have did better and how is by studying more and reading more but its pretty hard to just sit there and stare at papers for hours especially when you live in the suburbs because its boring and you have nothing to do most of the time so when you have to study with no pleasure it drives you insane and makes you wanna do things so I have taught myself how to enjoy it and make fun of it because later on down the line I would have to do it regardless that's the number one thing people have to do is read because lots of things now require you to read and some people rather be read to but then when that happens you get lazy and don't want to work so its pretty much like you have to get use to it so read and read and read some more I know you don't want to but it only helps so its all on you its your choice.  

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