Monday, April 4, 2011


It looks like a good piece of art work and I really like it to whom ever drew this they had good thought I like to encourage people and let them know what a good job they have done. In the picture the guy looks angry like he is taking his frustrations out because there is something under his carpet moving fast and its a pretty good decent size I'm not sure if its a pet or an unfamiliar creature but its something I wouldn't want running under my feet lol I would probably go really crazy. Looks like an older drawing tho like its a really long time ago and I love that its in black and white because I know that color is really cool but sometimes black and white brings more interest depending on what it is like say for instance if it was a black and white that had a good meaning or background to it but color can be any really because its fun and color brings more life to the pictures.

Here is the picture

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